Learn Meditation with Johnathan Woodside

Mastering Intent & Consistency

Freely Offered

Online Mindfulness Meditation Course

Develop An Unwavering Commitment to Practice

In this online course, Mastering Intent & Consistency is a transformative online Insight Meditation course led by an experienced Dharma teacher. Through guided meditations, teachings, and practical exercises, you will learn to cultivate unwavering consistency and focused intent in your meditation practice.

By enrolling in this course, you will:

  • Deepen your understanding of mindfulness and Insight Meditation.
  • Discover the power of intention in reshaping your life.
  • Develop a daily meditation practice with a profound sense of consistency.
  • Gain the wisdom to navigate life's challenges with clarity and equanimity.
  • Empower yourself to face difficulties with resilience and grace.
  • Receive guidance from an experienced teacher with decades of insight.
  • Embark on a transformative journey toward lasting serenity and spiritual growth, and explore the art of intent and consistency, unlocking the boundless potential of Insight Meditation for your life.

Your enrollment includes:

  • 4 short Dharma Talks and 2 Guided Meditations, to inspire commitment
  • Recommended reading for empowering practice
  • 4 PDF handouts providing practical steps
  • Lifetime access

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